Landscape Conditions
Posted on Sep 21st, 2015
- Great Oaks & the Board of Directors decided to not cut the lawn this past week but to weed the community as a cost saving compromise.
- Areas throughout the community that were ripped up by the aeration process will be either raked up & seeded or will receive the same topsoil & seed as was done before. At no additional cost.
- Crab grass – YES they did do pre-emergent treatments BUT that is not a guarantee for killing all of it. It just reduces the outbreak. Our biggest problem is quack grass (some people call it goose grass). Recently they did spray a killer on the lawns & if you look at both weeds they are beginning to turn purple, therefore dying.
- Boulevard areas- are in such poor condition because:
- Area is under stress all the time from winter snow & salt dumping
- Small grass area between 2 very hot surfaces (sidewalks & street)
- Poor start up with irrigation & therefore, lack of water
- Poor soil to begin with- solid clay with little to no top soil
- A bad infestation of chinch bug, which is eating up all the roots. This is demonstrated by running your shoe along the dried area and if it just peels right up then its bugs.
What is going to happen?
- Fix the areas that are damaged by the aeration
- Weed instead of cut this week. Weed the common planting areas.
- Spraying weeds in areas where needed, such as concrete creases
