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Lenox Park

Lawns, Trees, Irrigation and Roof Gutters and Downspouts
Posted on Sep 12th, 2015

To date we have worked with Great Oaks to improve the irrigation system and insure that we understand the system that we inherited from our builder. The State of Michigan does not require irrigation systems installed by builders to be inspected by the local municipalities. Hence/therefore the system originally installed was in many instances, i.e. materials, layout, controls, and design of poor quality. We will work to better understand this system and to improve it.
With the irrigation system working and the excess water around the Marquee controlled, the Landscape Committee has planted flowers and plantings in front of the shrubs and hope they will survive. That is if the mole that has invaded that area can be removed!!!
We have begun to update the lawns, first by refreshing bare spots caused by road construction, damage from snow removal, and from lawn crew activities. Our lawns are better in many areas as a result of this activity, but we have a long way to go.
We have a fair amount of crab grass this year and we will note those areas and make sure that the spring pre emergence treatment covers these area. Crab grass dies in the winter, but its seed needs to be killed if we are to remove it completely, or nearly so.
Trees that are dead have been removed and with the approval of Novi’s Planning Commission we will not replace most of them. Instead, grass will replace the trees. We also need to trim the large trees that ring our subdivision to reduce the shade they are giving our lawns and the leaves that they provide directly onto our roofs and gutters.
Cleaning of the gutters is on our schedule for late fall to reduce plugging up of our gutters and downspouts. This effort may also include blowing out the underground drains that connect to our gutter downspouts.
There will be continued work to upgrade lawns next year, particularly where the clay soil has resulted in bare areas. These locations have been noted and Great Oaks is aware of them and will begin upgrading as our budget and contract with them permits.