By Mike Bossio, Treasurer
From the June 30 Balance Sheet, our Operating Fund was $172,164.34, a drop of $23,119.04 from the May 31 balance of $195,283.38. Significant expenses in June: (1) Irrigation Start up and Repairs; $9,846.50 vs a budget of $5000. (2) Pest Control Exterior: $4,102.00 vs a budget of $109. (3) Electrical Supplies and Repairs: $5,201.25 vs a budget of $167. (4) Roof Repair (Leak) and Maint.: $1,207.15 vs a budget of $333. (5) Snow Retainer 10%: $9,786.30 vs $000
The June 30 Reserve Fund was $1,351,247.96, which is $9,912.09 greater than the May balance of $1,341,335.87. We did incur a concrete expense of $19,000 for a deposit. We deposited our planned amount of $26,320 and had earned interest of $3,092.09.
Our finances are in excellent shape year to date. I will continue to update you monthly.