Budget Bits - July
Posted on Jul 13th, 2020
by Mike Bossio
Same old boring stuff but our financials continue to progress as planned. The July 1 Operating Fund sits at $161,445.58, up from $179,021.92 June 1. With the June deposit of $14,226.17 plus interest, the Reserve Fund now stands at $1,066,228.68, up from $1,051.914.46 last month.
The Reserve Fund actual amount of $1,066,228.68 for June compares to the Reserve Advisors Anticipated June Reserves of $952,155 (calculated). This calculated amount is based on linear extrapolation of the elements that make up the Anticipated Reserves, namely, Recommended Contribution, Earned Interest, and Anticipated Expenditures. We are exceeding the RA Anticipated Reserves by 11.2% YTD.
I will, of course, continue to keep you apprised of our performance on a monthly basis.