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Lenox Park

Regulated Woodland Map and Ordinance
Posted on Apr 20th, 2017

After speaking with Rick Meader, City of Novi’s Landscape Architect ** we were informed that the same requirements and restrictions remain when working with these two protected areas. A summary of the regulations that would affect Lenox Park are:
  • Anything that comes out from the protected area MUST BE RETURNED to the area
  • Large trees that fall down may be cut up but all of the tree parts MUST BE RETURNED to the area
  • All branches, big or small, MUST BE RETURNED to the area. Very small twigs may be picked up and discarded in trash bins.
  • Leaves that blow out from the area MUST BE RETURNED. The city prefers that they be scattered within the woodland, not placed in piles. It does not have to be a specific distance away from the property line.
  • The protected areas may NOT BE USED for other lawn debris to be thrown back into.Co-owners and Association contractors cannot use the materials in or from the preserved area or add any foreign materials or objects to the preserved area without City of Novi permits.
According to Rick Meader, all of the natural growing landscape within these areas belongs there and does not attract any unusual wildlife when they die out. The same wildlife that would exist if the trees were still standing is the same wildlife that exists when the trees and branches are cut up and on the ground. Leaves, branches, logs and tree trunks are to be left in place within the woodlands.
If a tree poses a threat to people or property, they can consult with our Forestry Assistant Manager.  If he/she agrees that it is a threat, he/she may authorize its removal.  However, if a tree is deep in the woods not near any paths or property, he/she is likely to insist that it remain standing as it provides valuable habitat to woodland animals.  If the tree were in the woods (or was before it fell over), he/she would ask that the wood be put back into the woodland.
For further information, please review all the information on the City of Novi’s website.                                                                                             
As you can see, even if co owners and/or the board would like to be able to clear these areas out, “our hands are tied” and we are not legally allowed to do so.  We can obtain a free permit from the City of Novi Forester to cut down dead or hazardous trees, branches or parts thereof that threaten our buildings should they fall.  Everything cut down MUST BE RETURNED to the area. The cost of removing such trees or branches presently falls to the association.
What can we do and have been doing:
  • Direct our landscape contractor to remove branches and larger twigs from backyards and throw them back into the protected areas, which we are required to. To remove and discard very small twigs and debris found in backyards.
  • As soon as we are notified by a resident or board member about tree(s) down, cut them up and discard in the manner we are required to do.
  • Ask the City of Novi to do a yearly walk around and identify possibly dangerous trees that are dead or dying which would present a possible hazard to the resident(s).
The board is hoping to have a representative at the Annual Meeting on May 8th to answer any questions you might have on this subject.
Gayle C. Hinman, President
Board of Directors
Lenox Park Homeowner’s Association
* This Ordinance can be found on the City of Novi Website http://cityofnovi.org/Home.aspx
** Rick Meader  rmeader@cityofnovi.org