2) Dryer Vent Fires: It is estimated by the US Fire Administration (branch of FEMA) that 2900 dryer vent fires occur each year resulting in 5 deaths, 100 injuries and $35 million in direct property loss. The leading factor contributing to dryer fires is failure to clean lint from the traps, vents and areas surrounding the dryer. A few simple, inexpensive measures can help detect a problem with a dryer vent before it becomes a fire hazard:
1) Remove lint from the lint filter before or after each load. Inspect the filter for rips before placing it into the dryer.
2) Wash the lint filter with soap and water every couple of months to reduce waxy residue left behind by dryer sheets.
3) Inspect and clean outside wall dampers on a regular basis.
4) Disconnect, clean and inspect the dryer duct and venting at least every two years; more often with higher use.
5) Vacuum lint from behind and beneath the dryer on a regular basis.
6) Have your dryer professionally serviced and cleaned by a factory authorized service representative every two or three years.
Thank you for following these simple measures.