Board Bits – April
Posted on Apr 7th, 2016
- Later this year, the City of Novi will be taking over trash collection services. There will be a discussion at the meeting of how this change affects our neighborhood.
- Raymond Garbarino from the City of Novi will make a presentation at our meeting. He will discuss the CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) program that the city offers.
- Raffle tickets will be sold at the meeting. A quilt donated by a Lenox Park resident will be won by the holder of the winning ticket selected at a later date. The proceeds from the raffle will go to the Landscape Committee for use in beautifying our neighborhood.
- The BOD has compiled a substantial amount of information about the options offered by our builder when our neighborhood was built. Residents will be informed about how this information can be used in selecting their insurance coverage.
- There will be elections to fill two Board seats.
- There will be a budget discussion about future budgetary needs and its implications for monthly maintenance fees.
