An article from I AM NOVI, March 23
Call or text DPS crews to report location of potholes throughout the City.
It's pothole season and our Department of Public Services crews are working hard to keep up with the patching.
Potholes are patched based on a priority system with high-traffic main roads being done first, followed by low-traffic main roads and finally subdivision streets.
Residents can report potholes at, by calling 248.735.5640 or texting a picture to 248.278.7611.
The DPS also is in contact with the Road Commission for Oakland County to ensure their crews patch the potholes on Oakland County roads in Novi (Haggerty, Novi Road south of 12 Mile, Napier, 14 Mile, Pontiac Trail, 12 Mile, Grand River, 10 Mile and 8 Mile). You can report a pothole on a county road by calling 877.858.4804.