Budget Bits - October
Posted on Oct 26th, 2021
By Mike Bossio, Treasurer
From the September 30 Balance Sheet, our Operating Fund is sitting at $178,299.96, which is $6,806.03 less than the August balance of $185,105.99. The primary reason for the drop is expenses incurred due to the purchase of mulch ($10,000). The Reserve Fund for September is sitting at $1,114,581.16, which is less than the August statement by about $53,024.71. This is due to paying 40% of the Pond Irrigation Project totalling $70,240. This was a planned expense. We of course did deposit the planned RF monthly deposit of $17,046.17, and we earned interest of $169.12.
I will continue to keep you apprised of our performance on a monthly basis.